Australia’s Most Intelligent Asset Registers

Precision asset data capture for better strategic decision-making

An Accurate Asset Register Is Your Key To Effective Asset Management

Effective asset management is crucial to optimising operations, streamlining budgets, enhancing financial outcomes, and minimising risks.

Without it, strategic planning is impossible, inefficiencies rise, risks emerge, and forecasting is left to guesswork.

Kairos provides clarity over the age and condition of all your assets across your portfolio, giving you the intelligence you need to manage your assets more effectively.

Most Asset Data Capture Exercises Are Doomed To Fail

When assets aren’t accurately captured and condition ratings are vague or inconsistent, your asset register fails to fulfil its purpose.

Instead of a tool for prioritising maintenance or planning end-of-life transitions, it becomes a source of confusion, preventing confident planning and strategic decision-making.

We help organisations overcome their asset register sticking points through precision asset data capture.

Why Failing To Plan Is
Planning To Fail

It’s never too early to level-up your asset management strategy.

We’ve seen key personnel “blackbox” asset registers, then leave their successors in the dark. We’ve seen organisations paralysed into inaction by poor-quality data. And we’ve seen teams fight fires (sometimes literally) and suffer operational interruptions.

The lesson is clear: the best time to improve your asset management strategy is today.

When To Review Your Asset Register

Establishing A New
Asset Register

Create an asset register from scratch for a new organisation, a new site, or an existing team undertaking asset data capture for the first time.

Before Going
To Market

Review your asset data before issuing a Request For Tender. A better asset register will enable prospective suppliers to submit more accurate quotes and relevant submissions, limiting variations of Contract once mobilised.

Asset Management
System Changes

When transitioning to new asset management software, refreshing and enriching data will ensure inaccuracies and incomplete information is not migrated into the new system, while you maximise the benefit and investment of your new software.

Operations Disruptions &
Budget Blowouts

Address frequent operational disruptions and budget overruns. Capture the asset data intelligence required to pin-point issues and implement a more predictable and cost-effective preventive maintenance schedule.

Satisfy Compliance

Ensure your asset management practices comply with ISO standards, government regulations, or industry requirements.

Reviewing Your
Existing Asset Register

Review your current asset register. Expand your coverage, enrich incomplete data, and explore opportunities to enhance your asset management strategy.

Introducing Kairos: Australia’s Precision Asset
Data Capture Experts

We deliver independent auditing services to enable smarter strategic decision-making.

Whether you have a single premises, or hundreds of complex sites across the country, we have the experience and resources to make your project a success.

Our expertise is trusted by leading brands and large government organisations Australia wide.

Experts In The Systems Powering Your Asset Management Strategy

How We Help

We provide independent asset management, asset data capture, condition and compliance auditing services. We have more than two decades of experience in capturing, analysing, and providing insights through precision asset data intelligence.

Asset Data Capture


We start by understanding your current situation. If you have an existing asset data register, what are the gaps and why is it failing to meet your requirements? If you’re starting from scratch, we’ll build an engagement structure to fulfil your desired result and reverse engineer a solution that ensures we meet your expectations now and into the future.


We’ll work with your stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned on the project objectives. This stage covers mobilisation, communication, risk management and scheduling. Once the brief is complete, we’ll assemble a team, select an appropriate test site and run an initial pilot. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to review data and provide feedback prior to proceeding to the next stage.


We coordinate all aspects of scheduling, site access, inductions and training. You’ll receive daily progress updates from
our team
so you can see exactly how much data we have captured and how our progress compares against our anticipated project timelines. Daily QA, data cleansing, peer reviews, and final client sign-off, ensures quality and alignment at every step.

Asset management

01.Asset Management Strategy

Review all facets of your assets, organisation, team, technology and data to develop a clear understanding of your situation, goals, and challenges. Create a data-led approach to monitoring and forecasting your asset portfolio’s future condition with a view to optimising maintenance costs, extending asset life, boosting productivity, and ensuring compliance.

02.Monitoring Data Management & Validation

Day-to-day implementation and execution of asset management initiatives. Validation and tracking of improvements in asset utilisation, asset lifespans, reactive maintenance, downtime, budgeting and forecasting to ensure practices are creating the intended impact.


Periodically review the asset management strategy to evaluate its effectiveness and the extent to which it meets the set goals. This includes identifying areas for improvement, addressing any emerging needs, and adapting to the organisation’s evolving context.

Other Services

Condition Assessments

  • Building Condition & Defect Audits
  • Defects Liability Period (DLP) Inspection
  • Dilapidation Reports

Compliance Assessments

  • Essential Safety Measures (ESM) Assessments
  • NCC / BCA Assessments
  • Disability Access Assessments (DDA)
  • Emergency Management Planning

Hazardous Assessments

  • Asbestos Assessment (Div 5/6)
  • Mold Assessments & Remediation
  • Meth Residue Testing
  • Bio-Hazard Assessment

Why Choose Kairos?

We understand that ticking boxes isn’t enough. Our focus is on precision and alignment, ensuring that the asset data we capture is accurate, consistent and meaningful.

Precision in Every Detail

Our building audits accurately capture every asset, giving you a true reflection of your asset portfolio.

Consistent Condition Ratings

We take painstaking efforts to ensure all stakeholders are aligned on meaningful condition ratings that enable you to prioritise maintenance and lifecycle management effectively.

Strategic Alignment

We begin by understanding your unique needs, ensuring the data we capture aligns with your strategic decision-making requirements.

Comprehensive Data Capture

On average, our technicians discover approximately 25% more assets, for clearer and more accurate information for decision making.

Operational & Financial Efficiency

Accurate asset data capture leads to better budgeting, strategic asset management, and reduced organisational risk.

Avoid Unwanted Surprises

Our gated onboarding and delivery process ensures alignment at every step to avoid surprises and costly re-work.

Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with smart progress reports and performance metrics, including project completion percentages, productivity rates, assets captured, budget tracking and anticipated timelines.

Future-Proofing Your Assets

By aligning our data capture with your strategic goals, we ensure long-term operational and financial efficiency.

Seamless System Integration

We’ll ensure the data collected integrates effortlessly with your existing asset management ecosystem.

Data Capture Specialists

Unlike other firms that focus on other services and provide audits as an add on, data capture is all we do. As a result, we are very good at it!

What Others Are Saying About Us

"Kairos handled a substantial workload that would have necessitated a full team"

"During the mobilisation period, Kairos handled a substantial workload that would have otherwise necessitated a full team on our end.

Instead, my involvement was a single weekly meeting with Trent. They took care of everything: sourcing auditors, comprehensive data capture, site access management, project coordination, day-to-day management and reporting. They provided the reassurance that everything was progressing smoothly.

Really, I expected this to be a labour-intensive task for us, and instead Kairos allowed me to focus on other priorities. Overall, it was a smooth and efficient process that I was glad not to have to micromanage."

Director of Mobilisation
Tier 1 Facilities Manager

"I had no idea what assets I had in my buildings"

"Before I engaged Kairos, I had no idea what assets I had in my buildings. I needed a partner who I could trust to put that together.

In the past I’ve engaged auditors who delivered a very vanilla asset data list i.e. no condition rating, no asset age and questionable data veracity.

Then my team had to spend a lot of time cleaning the data to get it into a format to squeeze any use out of it for budgeting lifecycles, etc..

I immediately appreciated the fact that Kairos came from a facilities management background and it was clear to me that Trent and I were aligned with what a successful asset data capture exercise would look like."

Asset Manager
National Aged Care Provider

"Chalk and cheese with where we were 12 months ago"

“We had done a HVAC audit across our hospitals, but even that consisted of poor quality, incomplete and outdated data.

We knew we were forking out cash for assets that should have been replaced a long time ago - but honestly, we didn’t know where to start.

Once Kairos completed the asset data capture process, we could stop pouring money into maintaining certain pieces of equipment, capex them, and deliver preventive maintenance schedule instead of reactive.

Now we've captured all the details we need, we've barcoded our assets, and we can do all the reporting behind that.

Our approach is chalk and cheese with where we were 12 months ago."

Chief Operations Officer
Hospitals & Healthcare

Contact Us To Find Out More

It’s never too early to understand how precision data capture can enhance the effectiveness of your asset management strategy. Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.